Thursday 10 September 2009

Abjure, common (first printed in Weatherlight, 1997)

Seems a little desperate, no? Not at all! After all, few would suspect your remaining untapped island to imply a conditionless counterspell, and should you play, as many do, in an environment that frowns on the casual-unfriendly Force of Will, this is as cheap as the effect can come... at least in terms of mana. The sacrifice can be exploited in a trickier deck (Hatching Plans immediately comes to mind) but many of your early permanents may become obsolete (Merfolk Looter) or tiring to maintain (Mystic Remora) or in the case of a spell that dooms more than one of your permanents (Ashes to Ashes, Purify) Abjure lets you sacrifice one for the good of the many. Even an ernest sacrifice of a relevant permanent may be worth the price of Abjuring a gravely threatening spell. All the while, the player with Abjure in hand may be a little more active with his expansion on the battlefield than the typical island-playing "draw-proceed" opponent of that archetype. Abjure is also a neat, blameless one-of in a more casual blue deck. Can be acquired for less than ten pence a copy.

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