Thursday 10 September 2009

About Face, common (first printed in Urza's Legacy, 1999)

The creative department of the Wizards of the Coast team have had many successes, but the title of this card is not among them - About Face's mechanical relevance to its name doesn't withstand the barest scrutiny. Certainly we'd all be much happier if they left the military terminology to the military. That gripe aside, About Face is a powerful card in certain contexts, easy to misjudge. In a deck full of stalwart defensive creatures like Indomitable Ancients, Dream Stalker and Martyrs of Korlis, About Face trumps both Giant Growth and Berserk in terms of explosive efficiency. Of course, a bottom-heavy deck like that would have trouble sustaining an offensive line, but sometimes you'll only need a single copy of About Face to win - consider the popular combination with Tireless Tribe! A veritable wipeout occurs when those cards converge, and they can do so with haste, even quicker than the Hatred decks of old. About Face is also employable, rarely, as a removal spell, and although many people refuse to play walls so as to improve some overstated, theoretical "topdeck" ratio in their library, remember that About Face can also dispatch of Birds of Paradise, Noble Hierarch and Doran, the Siege Tower. Not for everyone, and if you find yourself building a deck to support it, weigh the merits of About Face's surprise factor against Dwarven Thaumaturgist's tenacity. Can be acquired for less than ten pence a copy.

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