Friday 11 September 2009

Absolute Law, uncommon (first printed in Urza's Saga, 1998)

A very straightforward card that ensures your aggressive red opponent can neither block your creatures or snuff out their lives with fireworks. Also protects you admirably from lesser-seen effect such as Threaten and makes your artifact creatures untargetable by Shatter variants. This mostly just turns such a duel into a lopsided race, which is often what red wants to do in any case - don't be surprised if your opponent simply employs his fireworks as one constant barrage of direct damage to you. It's hard for red to come back from such a comprehensive hate-card when it turns off their favourite methods of clawing back losts cards - Flametongue Kavu, Pyroclasm - but bear in mind the crazier side of red - Ball Lightning, Goblin Grenade, Arc-Slogger - remain as menacing as ever. Can be acquired for less than twenty pence a copy.

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